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var rm_pre_data = {"ajax_url":"", "rm_nonce_field":"20ae2666c4"};jQuery.fn.bindFirst = function(name, fn) { // bind as you normally would // don't want to miss out on any jQuery magic this.on(name, fn); var events ='events') || jQuery._data(this[0], 'events'); var handlers = events[name]; // take out the handler we just inserted from the end var handler = handlers.splice(handlers.length - 1)[0]; // move it at the beginning handlers.splice(0, 0, handler); }; //Rainmaker var Rainmaker = function() {} Rainmaker.prototype = { init : function(form){ // var that = form; if(jQuery(form).closest('.rainmaker_form').length < 1) return; if(jQuery(form).closest('.rainmaker_form').hasClass('rm_init_done') ) return; if(jQuery(form).find('.rm_required_field, .ig_form_required_field').length < 1){ jQuery(form).append('
'); } jQuery(form).closest('.rainmaker_form').addClass(jQuery(form).closest('.rainmaker_form').data('type') || ''); jQuery(form).bindFirst('submit', function(e){ window.rainmaker.addLead(e, jQuery(; }); // submit Event jQuery(form).closest('.rainmaker_form').addClass('rm_init_done'); }, addLead : function(e, form, icg_msg){ var form = form || undefined; if(typeof(form) !== 'undefined'){ if(jQuery(form).closest('.rainmaker_form').length 0; if(!jQuery(fm_parent).hasClass('rm_custom') || (!jQuery(form).attr('action') && !mc4wpform) ){ e.preventDefault(); } if(jQuery(form).find('.rm_required_field').val() || jQuery(form).find('.ig_form_required_field').val()){ jQuery(fm_parent).find('.rm-loader').hide(); form.slideUp("slow"); jQuery(fm_parent).find('div.rm_form_message').show(); return; } var formData = {}; var formData = window.rainmaker.prepareFormData(e, form, icg_msg, formData); action = rm_pre_data.ajax_url + '?action=rm_rainmaker_add_lead'; jQuery(form).trigger( 'add_lead.rm', [formData] ); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: action, data: formData, dataType: 'json', success: function(response){ if(response && typeof response.error !== 'undefined' && response.error !== ""){ jQuery(fm_parent).find('.rm-loader').hide(); jQuery(fm_parent).find('div.rm_form_error_message').text(response.error).show(); jQuery(window).trigger('error.rm', [form, response]); } else if(response && typeof response.success !== 'undefined'){ jQuery(form)[0].reset(); jQuery(form).trigger('success.rm', [form, response]); jQuery(fm_parent).find('.rm-loader').hide(); //TODO :: Later Move this in success callback form_message = jQuery(fm_parent).next('div.rm_form_message').html(); if( typeof form_message !== 'undefined' && form_message.trim() !== ''){ jQuery(fm_parent).slideUp("slow"); jQuery(fm_parent).next('div.rm_form_message').show(); // jQuery(fm_parent).next().next('div.rm_form_error_message').hide(); } //TODO :: Later Move this in success callback var redirection_url = response.redirection_url || ''; redirection_url = redirection_url.trim(); if (typeof(redirection_url) === 'string' && redirection_url != '') { if (!/^https?:\/\//i.test(redirection_url) ) { redirection_url = "http://"+redirection_url; } setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href = redirection_url; }, 200); } }else{ jQuery(fm_parent).find('.rm-loader').hide(); } }, error: function(err){ jQuery(fm_parent).find('.rm-loader').hide(); console.log(err); }, }); } }, prepareFormData: function (e, form, icg_msg, formData){ jQuery.each((jQuery(form).serializeArray() || {}), function(i, field){ formData['rmfpx_'+] = field.value; }); formData['rmfpx_added'] = true; formData['rmfpx_rm_nonce_field'] = rm_pre_data.rm_nonce_field; formData['rmfpx_rm_form-id'] = jQuery(form.closest('.rainmaker_form')).data('form-id'); // Send Icegram Data To Rainmaker if(typeof icegram !== 'undefined'){ formData['rmfpx_ig_mode'] = icegram.mode; formData['rmfpx_ig_remote_url'] = window.location.href; if(typeof icg_msg === 'undefined'){ var msg_id = (jQuery(form.closest('[id^=icegram_message_]') || {}).attr('id') || '').split('_').pop() || 0 ; icg_msg = icegram.get_message_by_id(msg_id) || {}; } if(typeof !== 'undefined'){ formData['rmfpx_ig_message_id'] =; formData['rmfpx_ig_campaign_id'] =; } } return formData; }, }; if(typeof window.rainmaker === 'undefined'){ window.rainmaker = new Rainmaker(); } jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.rainmaker_form form').each(function(i, v){ window.rainmaker.init(v); }); }); // Start : For Icegram Compatibility jQuery( window ).on( "init.icegram", function(e, ig) { // Find and init all RM forms within Icegram messages/divs if(typeof ig !== 'undefined' && typeof ig.messages !== 'undefined' ){ jQuery.each(ig.messages, function(i, msg){ var forms = jQuery(msg.el).find('.rainmaker_form form'); forms.each(function(i, form){ if(!jQuery(form).hasClass('rm_init_done')){ window.rainmaker.init(form); jQuery(form).addClass('rm_init_done'); } }); }); } }); // init.icegram //Handle CTA function(s) after successful submission of form jQuery( window ).off('success.rm'); jQuery( window ).on('success.rm', function(e, form, response) { if( typeof icegram !== 'undefined'){ var msg_id = ((jQuery('[id^=icegram_message_]') || {}).attr('id') || '').split('_').pop() || 0 ; var msg = icegram.get_message_by_id(msg_id) || undefined; if(typeof msg !== 'undefined'){ //TODO:: test this for contact form. // if( === 'form_via_ajax' && msg.el.find('.rm_subscription').length > 0){ if( === 'form_via_ajax' && msg.el.find('.rm_subscription, .rm_contact').length > 0){ // TODO::test this , causing duplicate messages msg.el.trigger('form_success.ig_cta', [msg]); } else if( === 'form' || !{ if( == undefined){ = ''; } response_text = '
'+ ( || msg.el.find('.rm_form_message').html() || '') +'
'; msg.el.find('.ig_form_container, .ig_message, .ig_headline').hide(); var appendTo = msg.el.filter('.ig_container'); if(jQuery.inArray(, ['interstitial', 'messenger']) !== -1){ appendTo = msg.el.find('.ig_message');; msg.el.find('.ig_headline').text('').show(); }else if( === 'tab'){ //TODO :: hide is not working appendTo = msg.el.find('.ig_data'); msg.el.find('.ig_headline').show(); } try{ appendTo.append(response_text); }catch(err){ console.log(err); } } } } }); //success.rm // addLead on IG-CTA form submit event jQuery(window).off('form_submit.ig_cta'); jQuery(window).on('form_submit.ig_cta', window.rainmaker.addLead);