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Nazareth Teachers Puzzled
What with nine sets of twins attending the Nazareth school, it’s not easy for the teachers sometimes to tell them apart. Here they are, left to right, back row: Leonore and Lornora Simard, 12, daughter of Mrs. Florida Simard of 165 North Willard street and Henry and Nelson Chagnon, 13, sons of Mrs. Delina Chagnon of 32 Drew street. Third row Ethel and Ethlyne Hoose, 7, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hoose of 78 North street and Robert and Richard Limoge, 8 sons of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Limoge of 83 Spring street. Second row, Janet and Janice Gelineau, 6, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gelineau of 167 Lakeview terrace and Richard and Robert Dion, 8, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dion of 32 Ward street. First row, Norman and Rowland Bouffard, 6, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bouffard of 20 Allen street and Charon and Faith Belvieua, 5, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Belvieau of 241Elmwood avenue. Since this photo was taken recently, still another set of twins became enrolled in the school. They are Lawrence and Larry Lablanc, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Adelord Lablanc of 109 Intervale avenue. (article from the Burlington Free Press dated October 19, 1938.)
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